Valley Mechanics and Layering

Never lose casualties hitting a valley again!
Now that we're starting up a new server and need to start capping lvl 10 valleys for making NPCs, efficiency is paramount. I'm not going to get into the advanced mechanics of valley warfare but the key difference to note between cities and valleys is that the battle begins at the range of the highest ranged unit fighting, either in terms of movement or attack range. Each unit gets a 'swing' in each round, whether its slated to die or not. Knowing theory, you can figure out how to hit a valley in practice without taking losses. Each valley will have its defenders as one of or spread between types of cavalry, archers, swords, pikes, warriors. Swords, pikes, and warriors all can be classed as 'infantry' and are treated more or less the same

Always scout your valleys before attacking, only by doing this can you ensure zero losses when hitting it.
Valley defended by infantry ONLY:
Attack using archers, depending on how many infantry there are. As a rule of thumb, I use 1 archer/pikeman, .75 arch/warrior, and 1.5 archer/swordsman. I also include a rainbow of 1 of each unit though this is not necessary vs. these defenders if you send slightly more archers.

Valley defended by infantry+cavalry ONLY: to do this without losing massive archers, you must increase the battle's starting range by adding a ballista. One ballista will suffice for this purpose. I use the same archer #s as before for infantry, and add 2.5 archers/cavalry. A rainbow is NECESSARY vs. these defenders.

Valley defended by archers ONLY: avoid these. Because of battle mechanics allowing each unit to move and attack any turn it starts, you cannot farm these without losses. However, the most efficient way to farm these is with pure cavalry, you will take VERY few losses.

Valley defended by archers+infantry ONLY: avoid these. Because of above, but added layers, cavalry no longer works efficiently, so your best bet is archers+ a rainbow. Just enough to kill each of their unit types in one round, so follow the same # rules as before, and add 1.5 archer per defending archer.

Valley defended by archers+cavalry: same as above, only add 1.25 ballista per defending cavalry, and double the archers. The key here is to be able to knock out both the archers AND the cavalry in the first round, you suffer losses to your archers (ensure defenders target your archers over ballista by putting extra archers in your attack force) from just one round of defensive archers and then take the rest out in due course.

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  1. Supbates/JimBeam

    May 25, 2010 at 2:51 AM

    Forgot to mention that if you're facing archers ONLY adding a rainbow to the cavalry can zero your losses, i.e. add one scout, one archer

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